ESL Editor and Debugger make developing your automated scripts easy and effective. You can create breakpoints, go through the code step-by-step and inspect variables.
Organize your scripts in a tree-form repository to reuse as building blocks with Test Flow Editor. Insert loops, conditions, decision points and parallel tasks to design smart test scenarios.
Run tests by click or submit test jobs for automatic execution. Coronys event driven Test Execution Engine will perform your scripts and react on real-time events asynchronously..
Enjoy the free Terminal Emulation Monitor to view message exchange on all channels in parallel. Each channel is fully controlled in run time from a separate sub-window.
Automate GUI on Remote Targets
Use ETS-WIN tool for the Desktop UI automation.
Deploy ETS-WIN on multiple remote Windows stations to have control over your distributed system from a single point.
Examine run-time logs for test process results and failure reasons. Drill down to communication logs by click from run-time log to investigate issues in depth. Create your own reports and charts.
ETS Editions
ETS is available in three editions of User Interface - Developer, User and Runner.
All Editions come with the same test engine power and capacity.
ETS Developer
Comprehensive environment for development, running and management of automated tests.
Enables writing scripts as reusable building blocks for composing multiple new test scenarios.
ETS User
Cost effective tool for code-less creation and execution of automated tests.
Allows composing new test scenarios from building blocks you created with ETS-Developer.
ETS Runner
Test executer that runs tests of any complexity created with ETS-Developer or ETS-User.
Provides the best operational cost solution for test automation in labs and production lines.
Reduce software development cycles by launching automated tests right from a build as a part of your Continuous Integration process.
Maximize LAB Setups Utilization
Submit test jobs to prioritized queues to let test stations to automatically pick up a new job as soon as they ended the last one.
Test Distributed Systems
Launch a test on multiple stations at once to create real time conditions. Take advantage of parallel execution abilities for testing destributed systems.
Built-in Database
MySQL Database is a part of the Test Management and Administration. Perfect for your application test results storing and querying.
Test Process Management
Schedule your tests to be executed on certain setup at particular date and time. Generate pre-defined and customizable coverage and history reports,
Remote Monitoring
Configure and monitor your setups remotely.
View all run-time logs of the distributed system under test from one place.