How to Monitor Multiple Channels with Coronys Viewer
Coronys Viewer shows communication messages of each channel in a separate sub-window.
This tool allows synchronizing windows to watch a snapshot of all channels at once.
You'll be able to scroll up and down all windows in synchronized manner as well.
In this tutorial you'll learn HOW TO:
► Open Multi-Channel Terminal Emulation Monitor automatically
► Keep Terminal Emulation Monitor open during the tests
► Route messages of each communication channel to its particular Sub-Window
► Synchronize and scroll up and down all views
Coronys Row Communiction Viewer is a separate tool, so it stays active once you open it.
You can open it either from ETS GUI manually or from a script automtically.
... From ETS GUI
To open Viewer manually go to the Tools menu bar.
... From Script
The best practice is to start Viewer automatically.
Do it from the Work Space Pre-Test script that is executed at preliminary stage of any test case.
ESL Editor will open the Work Space Pre-Test script file.
Insert a command RC_ViewerOpen and save the script.
No additional action is required.
From now on Viewer will start automatically by the first test case you run.
Re-route Rx and Tx Messages to the Monitor Window
Use RC_RouteToViewer command to reroute Tx and Rx messages of each channel to its own monitor window.
Add a command just once after successful open of the communication channel, as shown in the example below.
You can open as many monitor windows as you need.
Type your CLI commands in each window if applicable.
Synchronize all windows to analyze real-time issues.